

Quotes Related to McDonald's

We sold them a dream and paid them as little as possible. ~ Ray Kroc, Founder of McDonald's, speaking about company employees.

If my competitor was drowning, I'd stick a hose in his mouth and turn the water on. ~ Ray Kroc, Founder of McDonald's, speaking about competition.

We couldn't actually pay any lower wages without falling foul of the law. ~ Sid Nicholson, then McDonalds UK vice President

Super Size Me (2004)
See, now's the time of the meal when you start getting the McStomach ache. You start getting the McTummy. You get the McGurgles in there. You get the McBrick, then you get the McStomach ache. Right now I've got some McGas that's rockin'. My arms... I feel like I've got some McSweats goin'. My arms got the McTwitches going in here from all the sugar that's going in my body right now. I'm feeling a little McCrazy. ~ Morgan Spurlock
Now, I know what you're saying. You're saying nobody's supposed to eat this food three times a day. No wonder all this stuff happened to you. But the scary part is: there are people who eat this food regularly. Some people even eat it every day. So, while my experiment may have been a little extreme, it's not that crazy. But here is a crazy idea: Why not do away with your Super Size options? Who needs 42 ounces of Coke? A half pound of fries? And why not give me a choice besides french fries or french fries? That would be a great start. But why should these companies want to change? Their loyalty isn't to you, it's to the stockholders. The bottom line: They're a business, no matter what they say. And by selling you unhealthy food, they make millions. And no company wants to stop doing that. ~ Morgan Spurlock


  1. hey notah me

  2. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm:



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