there is somebody
there is somebody i barely knew that i miss dearly daily. i hope he reads this....
(Not so) Daily Dabble: Hustle vs. Shuffle
Yesterday while traveling to Space (smoke shop that is), when this white car pulls up and tries to (at the time i thought ) give us a CD. then when i say thanx they say moneyz. donate? i say sure. when i give two dollars this guy says no at least 5... how about the whole wad. when i finally realized its a hustle i give back the CD and tell them they are stupid because i am Qween of free publicity. The car goes to drive away when the guy in the back stops the car and hands me a CD. I kindly gave this guy (the smart one) $3.
The hustler says "thats all i asked for"... yeah but the other guy didn't ask... i hate being hustled! The BEST part of all this is i have the exact opposite story from around about April this year where an artist named Young Mook i had the honor of meeting in the 4th ave. underpass. Although he was boastful he gave me five seconds (to talk about himself but that's all i ask.... music journalist remember). didn't ask for any money he just was promoting himself.... =}
Lastly, the hustler's CD was called "The Game Needs Us" burnt CD badly put together (NO GRAPHICAL QUALITY AT ALL) vs. Young Mook's "It's Alright" professional grade product.
MIND YOU I SAY NOTHING OF THE QUALITY OF MUSIC.... just the quality of a first impression!!
![]() |
Young Mook |
Lastly, the hustler's CD was called "The Game Needs Us" burnt CD badly put together (NO GRAPHICAL QUALITY AT ALL) vs. Young Mook's "It's Alright" professional grade product.
MIND YOU I SAY NOTHING OF THE QUALITY OF MUSIC.... just the quality of a first impression!!
(Not so) Daily Dabble:,
shits and giggles,
Firmness of purpose
never have i ever known a thing to last forever, except these haunting hopes i have honed here however
I write them then "like" them its my only kinda voice... i try... but it doesn't mean i have any choice
Like a ghost at most to my obvi- blogged obsession I'm only half a host- I'm content too
It's a confession...
I would boast but I'm not boastful, i fear im much much too hopeful- and notable a won't pull thru. but push and pull aren't my role dude.
If it's not your calling It becomes your ambition defying fate in a cataclysm. The firmness of purpose has become my prison.
the bars are blinding on the back of my eyelids.. bars of notes when i blink go into hiding and i go into silence
The firmness of my person is the trails of the gypsies, it can be tracked back it just a bit tricky
You can track me down and you can even trap me. you can't make me perform or become entrancing.
It's so happens- its a rather rare privilege i'd rather you not try to rely on a mental image.
only i know what i envisioned to mind the music in myself- has become my mission
If it's not your calling It becomes your ambition defying fate in a cataclysm. The firmness of purpose has become my prison.
the bars are blinding on the back of my eyelids.. bars of notes that when i blink go into hiding and i hide in the quiet
secretly i seek out some of the silence, then in my head that "Voice" comes back with a violence
just shouting the reminders of how i was con into compliance cautiously i keep hiding, my fear i keep on fighting, one day I'll stop abiding At least i keep on trying. I WONT LET DOWN until dreams i stop DENYing
If it's not your calling It becomes your ambition defying fate in a cataclysm. The firmness of purpose has become my prison. the bars are blinding on the back of my eyelids.. bars of notes when i blink go into hiding and i go into silence
I write them then "like" them its my only kinda voice... i try... but it doesn't mean i have any choice
Like a ghost at most to my obvi- blogged obsession I'm only half a host- I'm content too
It's a confession...
I would boast but I'm not boastful, i fear im much much too hopeful- and notable a won't pull thru. but push and pull aren't my role dude.
If it's not your calling It becomes your ambition defying fate in a cataclysm. The firmness of purpose has become my prison.
the bars are blinding on the back of my eyelids.. bars of notes when i blink go into hiding and i go into silence
The firmness of my person is the trails of the gypsies, it can be tracked back it just a bit tricky
You can track me down and you can even trap me. you can't make me perform or become entrancing.
It's so happens- its a rather rare privilege i'd rather you not try to rely on a mental image.
only i know what i envisioned to mind the music in myself- has become my mission
If it's not your calling It becomes your ambition defying fate in a cataclysm. The firmness of purpose has become my prison.
the bars are blinding on the back of my eyelids.. bars of notes that when i blink go into hiding and i hide in the quiet
secretly i seek out some of the silence, then in my head that "Voice" comes back with a violence
just shouting the reminders of how i was con into compliance cautiously i keep hiding, my fear i keep on fighting, one day I'll stop abiding At least i keep on trying. I WONT LET DOWN until dreams i stop DENYing
If it's not your calling It becomes your ambition defying fate in a cataclysm. The firmness of purpose has become my prison. the bars are blinding on the back of my eyelids.. bars of notes when i blink go into hiding and i go into silence
(Not so) Daily Dabble: Searched
one, i want to start doing what I'm calling the (Not so) Daily Dabble: where i will rant muhahaha... welcome to the first edition :3
Two, TalKATive Talent is really taking off... If you haven't seen it i have a link up ^^THERE^^ click it. So far i have only done two pieces and one of them was free; Even though I'm handing out free art, people still aren't bitting! I have to practically beg to let me do the art to begin with. (I still have artwork I made for An Artist that I'm pretty sure he doesn't want)
Lastly, my favorite find when i searched myself was this "Tag Cloud" box that i couldn't figure out ( much less want to) where it was getting its data but the only two words that were associated with myself where Katita and Eclipse. Not to mention the only other out of place thing i saw was OF COURSE The Pocono Record:{..I will be forever haunted (Assholes)
Two, TalKATive Talent is really taking off... If you haven't seen it i have a link up ^^THERE^^ click it. So far i have only done two pieces and one of them was free; Even though I'm handing out free art, people still aren't bitting! I have to practically beg to let me do the art to begin with. (I still have artwork I made for An Artist that I'm pretty sure he doesn't want)
Three, Much like yesterday's post I am doing quite random of things because I haven't hacked Photoshop yet. There for, I have been wasting my time and downloading torrents that literally take hours to complete. Today I decided to network TalKATive Talent on FB's "Networked Blogs" (which is a pretty decent little App) and to search myself (and other people i know) on Google (and other search engines {yes the Google Qween uses other engines... =p}). I do this quite often because I have seen Google destroy people's opportunities... e.i. The Power of Google! Point being: I noticed something... For being a prime example of what demographers refer to the younger generations as: a "Content Creator", I still have little no hits when searched online =}=}=}=}=}
Lastly, my favorite find when i searched myself was this "Tag Cloud" box that i couldn't figure out ( much less want to) where it was getting its data but the only two words that were associated with myself where Katita and Eclipse. Not to mention the only other out of place thing i saw was OF COURSE The Pocono Record:{..I will be forever haunted (Assholes)
(Not so) Daily Dabble:,
click title,
foster care,
shits and giggles,
picture my day!

i can't remember anything about this account...
Timeless Eternity
1,100 words.... but charlie is sick... so here's a sneak peak enjoy!
Timeless Eternity
by Keara Fey {my pen name}
Part One: Part 1
Chapter One
Silence, all she wanted was some sweet
sweet silence. It seemed to Emi that this din would never die. Sitting,
with her legs drawn close to heart, in a stall of the girls lavatory.
The Florescent lights flicker frantically as her attention is forced in
the direction of the bathroom door being open. Quite as stale air, Emi
tried to wipe away excess snot without a sound. "Don't find me, I'm not
here" Emi thought as loud as she could like that could effect the
A gaggle of giggling girls push into the small rust
colored bathroom. "Did you hear that Emi girl beat up a boy again?" The
comment caught Emi off guard, and listened harder. "Yeah, I saw it...
She really hurt him this time"the words found her ear; followed closely by "She
kinda scares me... What? I'm not scared she'll hurt me, I just think
she is different and creepy". The murmurs muddled as the mob moved into
the hallway.
Following the rest of what was left of the sound, Emi's
hand slipped. Landing her face first into the porcelain. "Owww" Emi
yells at the toilet "stupid seat" slapping the seat cover sending surges
of even more pain up her arm. Pulling her arm back a bit too far back
she whacks her elbow on the door, busting it open and tripped backwards;
all in a few un-graceful seconds.
For a few minutes, while laying in the untold grossness of
the off green bathroom tiles, Emi could make out what she thought was a
cat-boy. As sudden as the sight was, she shook it out of her head
faster. "I don't need to add crazy to my resume" she giggled to herself.
Pulling herself up, pushing out the door and purveying the empty halls
for the avoided adult figures. Maneuvering
through the masses. Emi left the school grounds and entered what she
assumed would be some safety from the gossipy teachers.
With such a swelled ego around her
daughter, Ann easily assumed that Emi had just recently gotten away with
something. "So how was school?" she said in that sing-song way. Ann was
mostly happy most of the time but when she wasn't Emi noticed her
mother seemed like she had never seen happiness in her whole life. It
often annoyed Emi that her mother was so positive. She wondered if she
knew what the town's people said about her. Did she know she was the
town's joke?
"Fine" emi finally pulled off responding through her daze.
"Just fine, Emilia?" the interrogation was initiated, in spite of the
great stealth Emi had taken to hide the ever more purple bruise right
below her brow. "Yeah, it was great: preppy
girls, over controlling teachers and crappy food... just a common day,
mom". "Well if that is all... Oh well at least you only have to be there
during the day. If you lived in England you would be sent off to live
at school...oh...what..torture" anne said in a chuckle causing Emi's
frustration to send her fleeing to her room.
Sunk into her bed, Emi sighs away that slight-tight tear
like feeling behind her eyes. She slowly drifted off to the humming of
her mother and the smell of some "great" meal swirling all around her
Chapter Two
Deceptions are Deserving
Like a shake awake from a sweet deep
sleep; Emi had no idea what was going on. "Am I falling? Or floating? Am
I still dreaming?" Emi finally either found or forged the courage to
open her eyes. The only real explanation available of what she was
seeing was all around her blurred pictures as she passed them fast. The
second that she saw it, it stopped. Hitting her hinney hard off a damp
yet stiff ground.
Haunting scenes rush back to Emi (that is if they had ever
really been there to begin with). The actuality of her memories were
un-believeable; meaning she didn't believe them: not a bit. She sat in
the spot she was dropped, remembering a black and white TV land like
reality . "I must be crazy" the sentence slipped from her mouth as she
saw her mom turn into a soulless carcass right out of reach of where her
memory would take her.
For the first time she lost her interest in these impossible
day-dreams she must be having and focused on her where-abouts. No light
could be seen between the thickness of the woods that surround her.
Compared to her recent color absent thoughts, this place popped with
vivid beautiful tones. "Yep, I have lost it" Emi saw no reason to not
talk to herself seeing as she was now insane.
Attracted like a magnet, Emi drew in closer to the most
awe inspiring thing she was sure she had ever seen. In all honesty, It
was a mire flower found in a clearing of the tangled trees. As the
intensity of the flower powered over Emi, an interesting thing began to
happen: It bloomed before her. Beyond any knowledge of magic and logic
known to the young girl. By the time the flower opened, Emi would have
been more than pleased with only the sight but between the pedals laid a
shiny drop... "What could this be?...".
Pinched between her forefinger and thumb was seized a
simple pale whit pearl necklace. Emi was over taken by a flood of
emotion. First sad at some one's loss of the pearl, then appreciative,
finally staying at a weird paranoia of someone else's prying eyes on
"her" pearl. She placed it around her neck and hid it securely beneath
her blouse. Even going as far as peaking behind her shoulder (just in
Emi tried to see thru the darkness the
wood had in mid day. She couldn't make out where she managed to fall
from. She settled on doing exactly opposite of what her mother had
taught her: "stay put and wait to be found... do you here me?", setting
off toward a shard of sunlight. Until she stepped out of the deep dark
and dense, and out into what she perceived as the Loony bin they must
have sent her. She was halted right then and there by the singing that
sprawled outward from this small gingerbread looking town. Turning even
more terrifying with every turn, Emi decided she would take all of this in.
One by one she pretended these people where normal. She
calmly explained each time and with every "peppy" person came the same
response "But, why would you want to leave this place?" She had once
dismissed the idea of a Disney land destination; After the peppy song
these people sang, Emi swore she could handle any poor soul in costume.
Chapter Three
Doing Only Good
Chapter Four
Denail and Doorways
Chapter Five
Dense deffense
Chapter Six
Deffening Silence
Chapter Seven
Discover the Differences
Part Two: Part 2
Chapter Eight
Curious Confusion
Chapter Nine
Caught and Cut off
Chapter Ten
cackling Cage
Chapter Eleven
Clear the Causes
Chapter Twelve
Cleared and Calculated
Part Three: Part 3
Chapter Thirteen
Bout to bound
Chapter Fourteen
Between Better and Bruised
Chapter Fifteen
Blind to the babble
Chapter Sixteen
Battle, Bands and "Brotherhood"
practice ^^ (pearl)
With only just an urgency; see ill surely be forgotten
if my face ain't found like the rest who are flaunted Ready with fresh rhymes, all i hear are pretty rotten
The beat, the bump, the bass: this music i got caught in
Sweet: I'm candy wrapped up in rapping to keep it new to the world! I'd like to think of me as dirt amongst pink... eventually pressure will sure press me into a pearl
if my face ain't found like the rest who are flaunted Ready with fresh rhymes, all i hear are pretty rotten
The beat, the bump, the bass: this music i got caught in
Sweet: I'm candy wrapped up in rapping to keep it new to the world! I'd like to think of me as dirt amongst pink... eventually pressure will sure press me into a pearl
once again proves that Hip Hop is more than just music!
CCS Crew
Marley B
CB Project
Pauly Styles
Black One
And a Few Surprises!
We Ask for you to either bring a 5 dollar donation, or a item from Casa De Los Ninos' Wishlist, which can be seen at http://www.casadelosninos.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/holiday-wishlist-2011.pdf proceeds will go to Casa De Los Ninos.
21 and up
See You There, and happy holidays
Apple wants to Out date the economical!
There is no Flash update for this OS...
This is fairly new to me... but i haven't been online in a while... but this is cruel... out-dating the most inexpensive computers apple has... ={
shits and giggles,
Google Music
so i have been paitently waiting for this... BUT i was starting to think it was a myth... how much cooler could google get?
Music video,
shits and giggles
=[ poor charlie
curing charlie has proven harder then ever... it has no extra memory card slot, i have a third party card that is 333 ghz and i keep encountering Kernel Panics.. those are fun... fuck
Babes to blog about...
So im sitting in a room where two one digit midgets {did you get it?} tell me that they have facebook... i went NOT_UH O.O... it really shouldn't be that surprising really. If AOL wasn't dial up when i was 9 fuck I would have had an AIM_NAME too..... but they topped themselves when they told me 1. they claim to be 26 years old and 2. they have a 4 YEAR OLD niece that is also connected...
IN 2008 i wrote a 10 page research assignment that i can't remember what it was called for the life of me but, the point is the question i wished to answer was whether or not children are getting Lazier or Smarter because of technology... 10 Page paper, 15 sites sited, 2 books, and a youtube video.
IN 2008 i wrote a 10 page research assignment that i can't remember what it was called for the life of me but, the point is the question i wished to answer was whether or not children are getting Lazier or Smarter because of technology... 10 Page paper, 15 sites sited, 2 books, and a youtube video.
BEST PART it SURPASSED all my Predictions =}
The out come wasn't either but it wasn't neither neither (pronounced in my mind as nither neether... lol)! It was both....
Because from either birth or a very early age (ever since GENERATION X) we where handed and taught to handle technological resources around us, so in return we have become lazy... or maybe we're smarter for mastering said resources? The monks of the first colleges would be out raged by Mass printed material in modern libraries just as the old farts today bitch about us being lazy... muhahahahah...
It's time to look at a precedent you have set and what can be done
to free you from it. For a long time, you have fulfilled an obligation
with no qualms or quibbles. In true Capricorn style, you have never let a
certain individual down. The time appears to have come though for you
to assess how you are benefiting from your constant support of someone.
Perhaps it's time they stood on their own two feet. Perhaps that's a
discussion you're likely to have soon.
Hey kido,
wanted to tell you that I think it is a complete cop out for you to
dump everything on me and run to Gregg's. And What the Fuck is he
thinking having a 20-year-old girl living with him like this?!?!? I
don't know if you are fucking him or not, but that's what everyone
thinks from this side of the world. Anyway, I am still willing to help
you out (I always was), as long as you are making some sort of effort to
do something for yourself. I have changed a lot of things since you
took off like you did. You need to really think hard about what you are
doing hun. I love you bunches & bunches, that's why I can't sit by
and watch you throw away your life.
hes a daddy, facebook is worth more than a birth certificate now a daze
sticks and stones may break my bones
but whips and chains excite me
so pull me down chain me up and
p.s. Its used to be love until, i stopped giving hickeys and the shit in the air will melt your face
you know ill never have sloppy seconds
just like
dont fuck with the qween of google
hes a daddy, facebook is worth more than a birth certificate now a daze
sticks and stones may break my bones
but whips and chains excite me
so pull me down chain me up and
p.s. Its used to be love until, i stopped giving hickeys and the shit in the air will melt your face
you know ill never have sloppy seconds
just like
dont fuck with the qween of google
terrible part is it's not nonsensical gribberish...
it still makes perfectly secret sense to me
Amazing Days....
So in the last three days I have acquired my apple laptop, wrote my first article in months, Sold my first product for peoples imports, saved a band from their "jam" session, made a fan page, started my .gif animation of the Heaven's Gators album drawing, started (1,115 words in) my children's book and others and really a lot more....
shits and giggles,
INDIGATOR (=Indigo kids+ Heaven's Gators)
Trent's Soundcloud
what's different dealing with tonight...
mood complete 180 having a shitty day went from really bad to really good.
"ESCAPE THE PRISON PLANET" preston personaly distracted most of the handful of attendants with a curious instrument... from the should be called musical interacti-expression theatre
(GOOD VIBES) telepathic hip-hop connection music, dream and lives are inter woven... lyrics are actually god's thought does that mean god talks to you or you're god all credit should be given to god even if it's not your calling it becomes your passion. it is a higher calling... upset about 8 sudience members we had so strange shows but this one was strange in a good way people's imports is a Vibrational ...store..... Sun. the 4th @ the hut moss: Lee scracth perry @The rialto trenton: Cake @The rialto the 9th unanimous: Citrus , pressure , and the now no-longer local: vibe leviathan grimey l , mista dave , ephewe"ESCAPE THE PRISON PLANET" preston personaly distracted most of the handful of attendants with a curious instrument... from the should be called musical interacti-expression theatre
Reverse Writers Block (a.k.a. ANNCE RICE IS BEter.. best... bestest!)
The reasons are obvious for the Reverse Writers Block: my technology has arrived...
But in spite of the self discipline having not completely lost myself to the world... but this one is RE-COCK-ULOUS:
A girl PART OF indigo kids FAN BASE named FRANKIE, when hearing my name said:
Much more to come, TO BE CONTINUED.....
a quiet din in desperation, all the while drugged to assume this the only occasion
wrapt in and around all this addiction saying "it's not my fault; my inflictions"
Im lying to myself, I'm squandering any amount of wealth-
and these squatters junkies are something is its self
what are necessities, when all you think of is that "junk" you need
water, food, shelter, love- give them up to give into the drug honor, trust, kin, warmth- next to that feeling what are they worth?
I was punched in the nose on Christmas day, needle backed up toilet, the junkies made me pay lost my job to the sicken of my habit after that all that happen just added to the nonsensical daily static determined to have "it" until artist is turned addict
water, food, shelter, love- give them up to give into the drug honor, trust, kin, warmth- next to that feeling what are they worth?
what are necessities? what is it you need? that "need" you feed?
Also i been in the mental wing, my memory wringed they despised when i would sing on my own in drive-in how am i hone all these have-beens? shunned to where i once dreamed of... in a paradise my punishments i had shoved consoled on by the imaginary love i could feel above
water, food, shelter, love- give them up to give into the drug honor, trust, kin, warmth- next to that feeling what are they worth?
only everything you've wanted from birth....
what are necessities, when all you think of is that "junk" you need
water, food, shelter, love- give them up to give into the drug honor, trust, kin, warmth- next to that feeling what are they worth?
I was punched in the nose on Christmas day, needle backed up toilet, the junkies made me pay lost my job to the sicken of my habit after that all that happen just added to the nonsensical daily static determined to have "it" until artist is turned addict
water, food, shelter, love- give them up to give into the drug honor, trust, kin, warmth- next to that feeling what are they worth?
what are necessities? what is it you need? that "need" you feed?
Also i been in the mental wing, my memory wringed they despised when i would sing on my own in drive-in how am i hone all these have-beens? shunned to where i once dreamed of... in a paradise my punishments i had shoved consoled on by the imaginary love i could feel above
water, food, shelter, love- give them up to give into the drug honor, trust, kin, warmth- next to that feeling what are they worth?
only everything you've wanted from birth....
For the first day of december (or as i used to perfer it to be called:Xmas) I finally received my new laptop, in which I had already named Charlie.
This machine is beautiful... It's TINY!! I went to the post man and demanded my computer. I was going to hunt him down if he had not had it (and do very mean things to him). Obviuosly he had had it as well as Daltin's package from his madre. Daltin's package was tiny and HEAVY and my package was huge and weighed about half as much. LOL.
My Charlie has Leopard OS and I'm not used to the fancy-ness yet but i used to have this system SO!
This machine is beautiful... It's TINY!! I went to the post man and demanded my computer. I was going to hunt him down if he had not had it (and do very mean things to him). Obviuosly he had had it as well as Daltin's package from his madre. Daltin's package was tiny and HEAVY and my package was huge and weighed about half as much. LOL.
My Charlie has Leopard OS and I'm not used to the fancy-ness yet but i used to have this system SO!
Charlie B. Barkin | All dogs go to Heaven |
Charlie Brown | Peanuts |
Charlie Wilson | "There Goes My Baby"[1] was named the #1 Urban Adult Song for 2009 in Billboard Magazine. |
Charlie Sheen/Harper | The funnies asshole i know |
Charlie Rose | T |
Table Cell | Table Cell |
Table Cell | Table Cell |
Table Cell | Table Cell |
Table Cell | Table Cell |
Table Cell | Table Cell |
Table Cell | Table Cell |
Table Cell | Table Cell |
Table Cell | Table Cell |
id rather chase a dream than actually have it
Like falling down a hole while chasing a rabbit
catch is easy; keep is not and I'm making it harder exchanging all i got
see it for what it is not beyond the bliss and into the distance
the consequence a just constant defense
Gypsies... lol
two days ago i saw a occupiee wearing a guy fox mask
He has a tricky relationship with Time Warner, umbrella company to both DC Comics, which published V for Vendetta in its graphic novel form, and Warner Brothers, the studio behind the big-screen version. Like many of us, Moore thought the 2003 film made out of his late 90s comic strip The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen a great failure, and by the time V for Vendetta had been adapted for the screen, in 2006, he wanted his name removed from the credits; perhaps even from future editions of the graphic novel too. At the time an interviewer asked Moore if he might be "throwing out the baby with the bathwater", and he gave the sort of strolling, storyteller's response that ought to be laminated and distributed to any artist uncertain about giving over their creations to Hollywood. "Well, I don't own the baby any more," said Moore. "During a drunken night it turned out that I'd sold it to the Gypsies and they had turned my baby to a life of prostitution. Occasionally they would send me glossy pictures of my child as she now was, and they would very, very kindly send me a cut of the earnings…"
KITTI kitti
Vietnamese: Con Mêo
Thai: Maa-oh
Egyptian: MÃw
Chinese (Pinyin): Mao ["ao" like "now", high pitch, even tone]
Cantonese: Maow
Vietnamese: Con Mêo
Thai: Maa-oh
Egyptian: MÃw
Chinese (Pinyin): Mao ["ao" like "now", high pitch, even tone]
Cantonese: Maow
click title,
shits and giggles
Bussiness Lingers Still....... Lol
Taken back by the lack of loving, this thing we've been shoving
Now the above the trudging of the bluffing no numbing
Now the BS I could've pre-guessed this pre-dest-
well at least pre-guessed jest towards blest
But the rest i might of guested they'd fail the test
And I'm just next......
MUHAHHa. (is this a contest?)
Capricorn Daily Horoscope for katrina Monday 21 November 2011
Imagine jumping on to a train seconds before it departs. As it pulls away, you look frantically for evidence you've caught the right one. You ask passengers seated nearby if the train is headed for where you need to go and they stare blankly back at you because your problem is not theirs. You have almost grown used to lack of support from certain individuals keen to look out for themselves lately. You can expect a very noticeable improvement very soon.
Myspace music on iPad makes me mental :/
Sooooo no flash
Para el IPad a la mi Chico menor.... Muhahahaha
Para el IPad a la mi Chico menor.... Muhahahaha
shits and giggles,
Muse.dillFrog.com... Mi favorite
Dillfrog Muse Log in Random Words Verb Adjective Noun Adverb stifle find offer unitize pick at let in account repulse patronise rachet up support foreclose close out torment rear ball over record get in refract acknowledge sanctioned briton scenic self-abnegating amylaceous aureate unadapted multiplicative freaky complemental trilingual xxx artless native dastardly shadowy credited uanclimbable unimportant fresh micronesia big bucks tuck shop dipus heAracles admiralty islands pisser bennett myelography ironmonger tyrolean adventitia spring allah erignathus upset stomach narcotic genus bradypus oilseed goldsmith everyplace unutterably inconspicuously temperamentally archly possibly pyramidically interminably breathlessly captiously uncertainly lastly unwillingly windily impracticably sure enough the whole way after dialectically tropically Source: Wordnet
The Geeky Chef: Sea Salt Ice Cream
The Geeky Chef: Sea Salt Ice Cream: From the Kingdom Hearts II video game I've never made ice cream before, so I did you guys a favor and found this recipe elsewhere. This ...
KATenese: artfaree
While someone claimed artfarian I automatically associated it with "KATENESSE" spelling:
I'm a little Katita short and stout :D
My name may be that.
But you can call me Kat.
She writes blogs from my phone.
So I shall write some when I am on her blog alone.
She can rap, she can rhyme.
She can do anything she wants at anytime.
I am not a rhymer or a rapper
Her mind is a kidnapper
She twist my brain in so many ways
It sets my mind ablaze
She is definitely one of a kind
If she ever unleashed her talent the whole world would be Blind.
^.^ Smider was here
Posting as GoogleQween is fun, but you have to give yourself up always
But you can call me Kat.
She writes blogs from my phone.
So I shall write some when I am on her blog alone.
She can rap, she can rhyme.
She can do anything she wants at anytime.
I am not a rhymer or a rapper
Her mind is a kidnapper
She twist my brain in so many ways
It sets my mind ablaze
She is definitely one of a kind
If she ever unleashed her talent the whole world would be Blind.
^.^ Smider was here
Posting as GoogleQween is fun, but you have to give yourself up always
This is not mine:
This is not mine:
These torn, ripped and tattered clothes are painful yet real.
To an unknown it's pretty hard to tell how it feels.
It's been so long these wounds should have healed.
Its my fault this twisted lifestyle brought pain and anguish.
It's gotta be because they're living so shameless.
Must be my doing 'cause the guilt I feel is endless.
My strength and will to move on: come in tiny intervals.
Such grotesque deterioration happens internal.
Has led to a turning point of many options and opportunity.
One thing for sure: I'm not to fall into some doctors scrutiny.
Take this pill, pop that pill; they will make things better.
All I see are those pills making rain wetter.
I struggle finding sanctity in my own individual self.
That's when I gotta grab that bottle off the shelf.
Don't worry said to self, momentarily I'll be numb.
Just perpetuate the cycle of decisions done dumb.
No thought or real action of any dire change.
I just keep with the motion of keeping things same.
Pain feels great; torment the trick to hurt oneself.
So this time it's the bag from the shelf.
Such great powdered power in such small form.
That flour has eased me through most of my storm.
One spark, one tooke to entirely transform.
These thoughts, oh these thoughts: are so deliberating.
Such a presence in my mind while thier procreating.
I walk these streets searching for sanctuary.
My past discretionary....
What more can I do?
Never did I find pity when wanna-bes want prestige. Pursuit only a peasants disease. " your too pretty putting up with ugly" she said smugly. Yet I'm too nice to be in this bad! Because your the damn near best thing I ever had. Watch as u walk down a dark route. Reaping the trouble you sew from dark fruit. You dispute but you don't have too. The troubles are in the lies, these words are out of truth. Yet now that their said, what more can I do?
For a Swarm of Bees
The High Priest kneels before the High Priestess and gives her the Five Fold Kiss; that is, he kisses her on both feet, both knees, womb, both breasts, and the lips, starting with the right of each pair. He says, as he does this:
The High Priest kneels before the High Priestess and gives her the Five Fold Kiss; that is, he kisses her on both feet, both knees, womb, both breasts, and the lips, starting with the right of each pair. He says, as he does this:
"Blessed be thy feet, that have brought thee in these ways.
Blessed be thy knees, that shall kneel at the sacred altar.
Blessed be thy womb, without which we would not be.
Blessed be thy breasts, formed in beauty.
Blessed be thy lips, that shall utter the Sacred Names."
Blessed be thy knees, that shall kneel at the sacred altar.
Blessed be thy womb, without which we would not be.
Blessed be thy breasts, formed in beauty.
Blessed be thy lips, that shall utter the Sacred Names."
For the kiss on the lips, they embrace, length-to-length, with their feet touching each others. When he reaches the womb, she spreads her arms wide, and the same after the kiss on the lips.
The High Priestess kneels before the High Priest and gives him the Five Fold Kiss; that is, she kisses him on both feet, both knees, phallus, both breasts, and the lips, starting with the right of each pair. she says, as she does this:
The High Priestess kneels before the High Priest and gives him the Five Fold Kiss; that is, she kisses him on both feet, both knees, phallus, both breasts, and the lips, starting with the right of each pair. she says, as she does this:
"Blessed be thy feet, that have brought thee in these ways.
Blessed be thy knees, that shall kneel at the sacred altar.
Blessed be thy phallus, without which we would not be.
Blessed be thy breasts, formed in strength.
Blessed be thy lips, that shall utter the Sacred Names."
Blessed be thy knees, that shall kneel at the sacred altar.
Blessed be thy phallus, without which we would not be.
Blessed be thy breasts, formed in strength.
Blessed be thy lips, that shall utter the Sacred Names."
For the kiss on the lips, they embrace, length-to-length, with their feet touching each others. When she reaches the phallus, he spreads his arms wide, and the same after the kiss on the lips.
Random babbles
there's a lock box inside you and you get to chose if any/all the real shit really gets used. Reluctantcies redily rely on reuse. confuse yourself into playing on your own facking. Are those miracles or just music your making. I beg that one day this disillusion disappears. not knowing the nussence with blessed beers and mirrors. what if they take it unclear? For sake it. undear. My, what can I say to make this life endeared? To not live in fear of the forcoming future.
single (liners and/or thoughts.... that most likely rhyme)
single person ruined but blame is on everyone else. Your the ticket holeder and self pitty out sells. dig your own grave even if another is told to hold the shovel. Life is an elevator; you set your level. a push, it enables the pull of the cable.
If i could write ryhmes to to keep my mind @ bay, i would say it all now to get it out of the way.
You:yourself; me: alone
myself no one to have shown
Day dreaming of day drinking
Latin class lingers in that after class clash of language. Unfortunate; Left unengaged in my unitellegent everyday. Most wont bost to known that "male" means badly. A pun made flattly. Ever encounter a thesaurus, which i used to call thesis? what i mean is just this: the associations are ceaselessly endless.
Bullshit Called
I'm pushed over until I put out
can't get up the guts to say "get out"
decided I'm done digging out
that fictional friend thought I knew
from underneath your freak filled screws
When our lips met I'd regret
as mental headlights met my mind
Suddenly searching for a not so suddle side line
{salvasion from this sight I never find}
look anywhere but into evasive eyes
you know what and why disguised; you buy time in your despise
Self persuased toward a psuedo-stability
but lying to yourself won't purvey the possiblity
possibly thyis was provided by my own insecurity...
more likely I lied for you lust-sicken personailty
you say: my minifestation in hesitation I think it's years of self denying
so read between my lies & start believing your own eyes
take bake those self loathing sulk-loaded replies
that kept me inept swept under your thumb
If this never started I should have to announce I'm done
I guess I'll press on, unimpressed, where I begun
geek numbero uno
ender-design.com (boo would love this one!!!!)
Just copy and paste it in to your address bar javascript:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI=document.getElementsByTagName("a"); DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i-DIL; i++){DIS=DI[ i ].style; DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.left=(Math.sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5)+"px"; DIS.top=(Math.cos(R*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5)+"px"}R++}setInterval('A()',5); void(0);
sibyl vane
"If this girl can give a soul to those who have lived without one, if she can create the sense of beauty in people whose lives have been sordid and ugly, if she can strip them of their selfishness and lend them tears for sorrows that are not their own, she is worthy of all your adoration, worthy of the adoration of the world. This marriage is quite right. I did not think so at first, but I admit it now. The gods made Sibyl Vane for you. Without her you are incomplete."
- Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray Ch. 7
and i didn't know there was a movie from 2009....
- Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray Ch. 7
- ibyl Vane – a talented and beautiful, but poor, actress and singer, with whom Dorian falls in love. Her love for him ruins her acting ability, as she no longer finds pleasure in portraying fictional love when she is experiencing love in reality. She commits suicide after learning that Dorian no longer loves her. Lord Henry likens her to Ophelia.
![]() |
the most interesting picture i found of her.... |
and i didn't know there was a movie from 2009....
Grassy land by the sea...
So last night (to my surprise) i dint get too drunk or disorderly. I didn't make out with anyone random. I went to bed early and had the oddest dream. I dreamt of a very grassy island and like so many of my dreams my brother and sister where there to shadow me. First i went to someone's house, who apologized for not being there as much as he'd like to be but he told me to keep waiting for him ( this was the most straight forward point to the dream) then... oh yeah fireworks in the day time with my friends friend chris. He didn't like the fireworks much but then i brought him to a barber and he liked getting his hair cut. The last part of my dream basically told me "you're not listening to yourself"... I'm not willing to share how but I know what I'm doing right now feels very wrong.
shits and giggles,
Somewhat silly today
Katita... a silly spanglish senorita. finding her a freaker by the speaker. Confused? well wait till you meet her. It's amusing how confusing this kat really gets. Thats assuming your trying to them puzzle peices fit!
Your game, your rules. Ain't my ruling to be doing any dueling. How am i to describe a game i don't know the rules too? Are you gonna keep me benched or put me on the floor, fool? It's this round is between no one but you and you. What am I to do? Wait... watch... effortlessly? While you go around confessing and they'll go on just guessing I made a clingy mess of things? Please could you put reluctances's to rest. You guided me to rhyme and reason, that at best
i so want to share the changing on the seasons, as in what you "sees in" me. Never was i meant for your team yet, your training was still straining on the hobby turned to habit. Found a habit of just rapping. Stringing these lines are fine: time passin... but at the pace I'll fly by laughing. close to that stage it ain't enough. Cuz it is the closest I've came to finding love. In the words, in the lines, in the notes, in the chords... every sound you make: my salvation is restored.
Funny what still gets to me/ is that your the epitome/ of anything i aspire to be. From this face painted mirror/ I wish I wouldn't feel that fear of a superficial superior. It's okay It should just be ignored.forlorn!
I don't mean to be mean but it seemed as my means where your one excuse to keep me off the team.
So now i got to choose between calling a truce or in waiting for what's left of me to prove.
Does it bring you pain or perhaps pleasure, that in my brain I've taken every measure
to not be not even mildly excited. I tried desperately to hide it. But why and try to deny if you all have me so distinctly defined?
Maybe when you find your wealth and you find a well track, you might take a moment to fondly look back on me merely just a memory. really looking to be redemptory. In compassion did she lack? No, just common sense. hence lesson that I'm retesting of the games that I'm messing in.
New to the rules? Well, the players are your weapons. In this game of rap it's not your call, your just the ball and it's up to your friend and your fans to make that call on whether or not you'll reach your goal. I guess, when the ball was in my court i came up a bit too short. Carelessly despite my agility I let it slip from me. But I'm not selfish see. I'll stand where i am with my hand hiding the sun ray. Pleased to be passed as I see everyone else play. I'm sold and I'm set willing to wage a bet; that one of these days ball will find that net.
i so want to share the changing on the seasons, as in what you "sees in" me. Never was i meant for your team yet, your training was still straining on the hobby turned to habit. Found a habit of just rapping. Stringing these lines are fine: time passin... but at the pace I'll fly by laughing. close to that stage it ain't enough. Cuz it is the closest I've came to finding love. In the words, in the lines, in the notes, in the chords... every sound you make: my salvation is restored.
Funny what still gets to me/ is that your the epitome/ of anything i aspire to be. From this face painted mirror/ I wish I wouldn't feel that fear of a superficial superior. It's okay It should just be ignored.forlorn!
I don't mean to be mean but it seemed as my means where your one excuse to keep me off the team.
So now i got to choose between calling a truce or in waiting for what's left of me to prove.
Does it bring you pain or perhaps pleasure, that in my brain I've taken every measure
to not be not even mildly excited. I tried desperately to hide it. But why and try to deny if you all have me so distinctly defined?
Maybe when you find your wealth and you find a well track, you might take a moment to fondly look back on me merely just a memory. really looking to be redemptory. In compassion did she lack? No, just common sense. hence lesson that I'm retesting of the games that I'm messing in.
New to the rules? Well, the players are your weapons. In this game of rap it's not your call, your just the ball and it's up to your friend and your fans to make that call on whether or not you'll reach your goal. I guess, when the ball was in my court i came up a bit too short. Carelessly despite my agility I let it slip from me. But I'm not selfish see. I'll stand where i am with my hand hiding the sun ray. Pleased to be passed as I see everyone else play. I'm sold and I'm set willing to wage a bet; that one of these days ball will find that net.
Not Buy-in nor Sell-out
This is the most terrifying thing i have ever written none the less shared....
Also, i hate having to push/publish these things...
they are the most personal bits of rubbish i "own"
but if not here i will only loose them...
Not Buy-in nor Not Sell-out
I'm kindly cold hearted, Is that how all this started? Where were innocence and I parted?
Dimly aware of my own distant air. My anti-social Affairs are w/ absolutely no one.
pre-preparing all my fun, I'm afraid of what makes me young.
From the world, I'm still hiding all I've done.
7 years old: yet he still stole my sole and so very much of my sanity. Vaguely maybe might have added to my vanity. YES! A desk! That is me @ my best. With a pen I joke and I jest. I'm but merely blest all while I poke fun @ my feeling due to his awful dealings.
Between these lines in my mind i find a time... where Mother's little Candid Concubine
Was wired entirely and evilly entwined. My entirety never had he much defined.
but my best, my beauty, I boast He never could buy in. You may never buy-in.
Cuz I'm not buyin it!
Cuz I'm not buyin it!
Now when I kiss boys my heads makes this small noise. Jerks me back, beginning at my nose. For a reason no one really knows. I try and deny when my shy shows. But below it grows eventually explodes when pried by their trying eyes. I feel the judgement thru there lies.
They'll never be content with my contradiction. Made up of friction and a fictional depiction of a "Dad's" illegitimate un-defined reflection. That might be why inside the mirror i fear the unclear. It's never shows what I hold dear. notice how it's never in the near.
Between these lines in my mind i find a time... where Mother's little Candid Concubine
Was wired entirely and evilly entwined. My entirety never had he much defined.
but my best, my beauty, I boast He never could buy in. You may never buy-in.
Cuz I'm not buyin it!
You once seized me but that's no more. I awake askew tangled about on the floor. Now my body it substitutes for the lack of your abuse. Now I don't get to choose. A nearly new voice is in use as a disabuse for all that you have put me thru. Fostered in Hospital suits, scrutinized by strangers all in white suits. My diagnosis is a mind's mute and a bliss to the blinding of my life's truth
foster care,
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