I don’t want to be the best I just wanna be a light A guiding star in the middle of the nght giving a glimmer of hope for those liiving out of fright Ill be that agent of nature that stimulates sight truth blatant wait-in: You are me and I am you Around us all the time are subtle little clues won’t veiw no bigger picture depicted on the news Our worlds azlive crystaline and she’s paying all or dues, Thought, heart , desire instead fed biggest buyer at the stores Fansatasy those plastic things, celebrities are just more whores, I’ll show my core If you give me tours of yours End the waARS AND WAGE COMPASSION, watch it happen lasting pass endures But don’t mind us were mindless, they find us and blind us to us our own mystery mom and pop were wrong, learned what gone on thru fractured history Know not their rights; drowned in data it don’t matter, in fact I’d worry alll happened so fast, wont find magic in time in such a hurry science now sits in magic, shit Now boundarys blurry
American dream, bad habit, fad diet i quit mirror it despite hiding in darkeenss, inside I’d light it: lit JUST DON’T GET ITX3 WON’T FORGET IT BELIVE AND IT SEEMS LIKE YOU JUST SAID ITX3 all along among the young gone was their muchness all want truth its coothe your prude to just touch it Living everyday drivin to stay -hardened to their punches hurt breeding wound leaving trudging -greedy we got crunches I stall to call up had enough free from your clutches If you think of your power i cowar to how your free flying seemed you did no wrong;it reads: your perfect -no lying object of god, mom saw that long- lost your self-guiding