Kinda: Myspace was forgotten about, all those dating sites you don't check anymore, EVERY TIME you make a profile YOU CREATE MORE OF THE INTERNET everyday!!!!!!
But that's not necessarily a bad thing..... There is such a thing as It used to be just the "myspaces"es of Dead People.... BUT THEY WERENT DEAD sites. A really smart guy once said this would happen and called it an EXO-SELF. What really happened was whenever one of there friends missed them or something like that they would tell them... They would CREATE another part of our VIRTUAL REALITY. What I believe to be "OUR" collective conscience....... so if it's there you had, have and will always (as long as the internet lives.... it will i'll do that post later) influence in this world. There for have a life after death.... (like why pagan story where about heros.... they left a mark and they believed this is all we got)
MY POINT IS: why on earth would you ever TAKE DOWN something you've done on the internet? And even if you did would you be sure you couldn't access it anyway all this shit is cached (lovely lovely google!!!)
LASTLY WATCH THIS VIDEO I FOUND HERE (they didn't have a link)
It's an INTERNET MAP.... i believe it might the closest things to showing how many people on earth and how much there doing as once.... kinda like a census!